

Breadwinner energy™ MEMBERSHIP

BWE membership
be better at being you to turn your business into a money making machine!

join now for just $97/mo


Alicia Benedict

I learned that doing something is better than being stuck in indecision and doing nothing. Tay taught me that perfectionism will get you nowhere.

She has really helped me feel confident in who I am, who I want to help, and ultimately why I do what I do. 

Tay is always there to listen, pick you up, and put you back together again! She is kind yet straightforward, she speaks her mind but with such grace, and gives back 1000x the amount of energy you put into her program.

I am finally confident in who I am.

Serena Johnson

I have not regretted one second of joining. Tay calls me out when I need to get it together (which is what I need!).

The community of women are so encouraging and inspirational. I have a long way to go- but the amount of progress I have made is truly a blessing. 

If you're hesitant about joining- STOP! You need to start today.

The community of women are so encouraging and inspirational.

Suzanne Devine Venuti

Tay is my role model and she has an incredible programs that guide you in building a strong mindset. Joining and working with Tay has been a game changer for me. Having a leader like Tay to guide and coach you as well as the support you get from all the amazing students in the group is incredible. You won’t find anyone that cares more about your success than Tay. She’s the real deal!

The coaching she provides is truly the key to becoming the Breadwinner of your life.

$100 to my name, wrecked credit and no degree to over half a million dollar coaching business & living an abundant af life.

At the young age of 19 I wrecked my credit, at 20 I dropped out of college and I was FAR from being a millionaire let alone anywhere close to success. I was lost. I had no financial literacy but deep down still held the belief that one day would be different for me. 

a little bit about my story

I had no clue how, but I promised myself to be a millionaire one day.

I built my own website on my shitty Toshiba laptop and I wish I still had that site so I could see the growth from then until now but that site was NOTHING to talk about. 

In 2018, I went through a nasty separation from my abusive ex husband which led to divorce shortly after, and prior to this separation I had a few clients, still no money, and NO clue how I was going to support me and my then baby... That year was do or die for me.. LITERALLY. I was broken. It was an abusive relationship mentally & physically & we needed OUT. 

Later that year, I moved into my first place ALONE (well me & my daughter) a 2 bedroom 1 car garage condo.. and I was PROUD. I felt on top of the world like I could do anything.. In the summer of 2019, I was asked to be a Keynote Speaker at the WED Midwest Conference. Terrifying but the best experience and I would do it again 20x over if I could. 

That Conference started my coaching career and I went on to get Certified as a Life Coach in 2021 & started my coaching business which today has generated over half a million dollars.

I just started.. no experience, no degree, no money.

Breadwinner Energy™ began in childhood, I grew up in a trailer with my single mom who worked 3 jobs to take care of me, to allow me to be in sports or activities, but I was bullied for living in that trailer, for being poor, but from a young age I KNEW I was meant for more, meant for success.

In 2016 I quit my 9-5.. I was 7 months pregnant, married to someone in the military & working at a Mental Health Facility and everything in me did not want to go back to work after my daughter was born BUT I had no degree. I had less than $100 to my name & no clue what I was going to do.

I researched 24/7 for stay-at-home jobs and NOTHING.. So in October 2016 I said I am going to start my own business. Let me tell you, NOBODY.. I mean NOBODY thought this was a good idea.. BUT I did it anyway because that is the kind of person I am. 😂

Let's glow up your life.

Today, it's my mission to help women regardless of your childhood, upbringing or even current circumstances to build a life she loves, a life that she believes she deserves.

xx, Tay