I decided I was DONE with sales conversations that felt like I had to convince business owners to even like their business enough to invest in it. I was DONE working all day and never even enjoying my kids or life or freedom.
& I was DONE keeping a business that no longer brought me the joy, freedom, & fulfillment I started it to have.
I was FINALLY making 6 & multi 6 figures as a business coach - my goal BUT I was not only working sooo much and so hard I was also coaching on things that did not light me up AT ALL. It was no longer fun, It was constant conversations about tech & sales pages that just wasn't what actually made a difference in the world...
I was DONE showing up online like everyone else, and posting based on analytics and algorithims and doing what kept the peace
I was DONE trying to be liked & make everyone around me safe, comfortable, & happy
I was DONE trying to please every single client in order to keep them happy
I was DONE pretending to be a business owner by tapping away on my computer for HOURS on end
I was DONE running a business the conventional way....
I was DONE undercharging for my offers that are 100x better than most on the market