The offer bootcamp

6 Month Group Program

Build your high ticket signature offer in 90 days or less 
The Offer Bootcamp Program helps coaches & service providers create a high-ticket signature coaching program in 90 days or less + Within 6 months you will ALWAYS know how to create, market, & sell ANY offer



I spent way too many years dicking around with courses, low ticket offers, & VIP Days strapping myself on time & cash... 

Offer Bootcamp is for you IF you need a signature high ticket offer built, you need to micro niche, you need to be confident in your offer & pricing, You need to know how to create ANY offer simply that sells, you are ready to sell $2k packages & up, OR you need to master messaging, copy and content for your offers…

I needed a business model that allowed me to be at home with my kids while also growing my business & being the Breadwinner - so I launched my first ever high ticket group coaching program in 2021 after 5 yearrsss of struggling to break $5k months and hit my first $10k month & $30k month the same month

No sales calls, no ads, & no slimy sales tactics

I needed a mom proof business model. Since then I have ran the Offer Bootcamp Course & now turned it into a 6 month program where I help moms who coach, just like you, build your signature high ticket offer in 90 days or less! 

AND I needed to know how to talk about my offers SIMPLY making content, messaging and marketing COMPELLING ASF and finally be seen as the authority in my space not just motivational. 

Get my no bs method for offers & sales now

I am so ready for this 

build a signature program

I was so tired of posting & praying for clients and second guessing my offers. I needed a clear af strategy 

stop bs-ing your offers and marketing 

You’ll stop guessing how to create, package, and price offers – and finally nail your signature method.

You’ll know exactly how to create offers that sell, without second-guessing or overthinking the structure, features, pricing

You'll find a micro niche to make your business SIMPLE and CLEAR AF so that you not only can easily write content & copy but people will actually want to pay attention and buy from YOU 

Within 6 months you will ALWAYS know how to create, market, & sell ANY offer. 

Here is what happens inside offer bootcamp

You’ll stop posting and praying for clients, with a clear strategy to sign them on repeat. You will always know what to say and content wont feel like it takes you YEARS to write 

You'll never use Chatgpt to write your copy or content again or decide your offers for you - youll actually be a real human with amazing ass content & copy that makes people want to BUY not just think you are motivational 

The offer bootcamp program

let me introduce...

This program gives you the exact step by step method for building a high ticket signature offer in 90 days or less + Within 6 months you will ALWAYS know how to create, market, & sell ANY offer. 

Join the Offer bootcamp

A program that tells you what to do


our no bs  signature offer system

Decide within 30 days

Take the drama & indecision out of deciding your niche. We make deciding your niche + your HOW aka signature method & strategy simple. We help you decide if you should do open/close cart, the length & price of the program, if you should do application or sales calls, & your exact offer roadmap! We help you micro niche to who you help, how you help them, & the outcome of your program. We use a simple process called The Offer Bridge to build your entire offer to be CRYSTAL CLEAR


Sell within 90 days 

Finally ditch the post-and-pray method. With my content framework, you’ll know exactly what to say to get clients coming to you on repeat, you will write content in 10 minutes or less. You will FINALLY have a content & messaging straeegy that turns your followers into buyers. No longer being the FRIEND / MOTIVATIONAL account but an AUTHORITY in your space. 

Build within 60 days

Build your offer in 30 days or less with as little tech as humanly possible. No fancy funnels, no tech nightmares—just a simple setup that sells for you while you sleep. We’re making this easy, so you can get paid without pulling your hair out + we have a tech specialist inside the program AND give you a program with funnels already built for you 

THe program outline


Monthly Coaching Group Calls

2 Coaching calls per month for coaching & getting all of your questions answered + weekly Q&A thread in our telegram 


Slack Channel

Private Slack channel to tap into your community every single day, celebrate wins


Self Paced Portal

Every single training you need to not only build your program in 90 days but be ready for launch in 6 months or less


Live Workshops

get access to our quarterly workshop sessions where you can expect to SHIft your business & life 10x


Get instant access + all courses & masterclasses included!

Get Access to:
Get Clients Now Mini Course
Break all the rules to 6 figure success
The wish list coach mini course
THe offline Goldmine
& The Offer bootcamp live Course

grow your coaching with one offer

Don't just take it from me

Sue Devine Venuti

Find that role model and learn from them, because they have already tried and failed, over and over, until they succeeded. Tay is my role model and she has an incredible program that helps guide you in building a strong foundation for your own business, but more importantly, the mindset coaching that she provides is truly the key to becoming the Breadwinner of your life.
Joining and working with Tay has been a game changer for me. Having a leader like Tay to guide and coach you as well as the support you get from all the amazing students in the group is incredible. You won’t find anyone that cares more about your success than Tay. She’s the Real Deal!.

Jade Boyd

"I packaged my coaching program + framework into a signature group coaching offer (which felt like a huge feat to accomplish during first trimester).

I launched my offer and booked my first 6 group coaching clients in 90 days.

Created & launched her offer in less than 90 days while pregnant

Shriti Shah

I joined coach school back in February of this year and in the last seven months, my business has grown so much with Tay’s coaching. She helped me get clear on my messaging, improve my marketing strategy, got better with content creation, and I feel so much more confident showing up and talking about my products. When I joined coach school I only had an idea of what I wanted to do in my business, but it was almost like Tay read my mind and helped me create a high ticket group coaching program and also we came up with a couple of other product ideas so I had a full product suite. Tay has an amazing team and I love the community coach school has. Everybody is there to support and cheer you on and I am always looking forward to our weekly calls to meet everybody and get coached. I am so glad to have found Tay. 

I have my group program designed and ready to record and launch in next 30 days

Taylor N

Inside this program I have felt so supported and pushed in all the right ways. I feel like there is no way I will be allowed to fail. Tay cares so much about my success and has made me feel so capable. She also calls out my BS when needed (aka when I spiral on the same damn hamster wheel over and over) and goes DEEP when I need some extra hand holding. The extra level of personalized attention is the kicker for me. Makes me so grateful I joined. 

I felt in my gut that this was what I needed next in my journey to make my business dreams a reality. Tay was so genuine and cared about my success and as a client of mine, I knew she would have an inside perspective as to how to help me. I also knew I would be losing money if I did not invest in coaching alongside creating my 6 figure scalable offer. I knew 1:1 doula work was not sustainable for the life I wanted to live and needed help creating the offer that would do it. I also knew the other ladies in the container would be GOLD! 

I also knew I would be losing money if I did not invest in coaching alongside creating my 6 figure scalable offer

Caitlin B

Tay is so present. Way more present than other coaches I’ve had (even a 1:1 coach I hired). She has held my hand through lots of emotions and mind drama.

She did teach me to self-coach and work through those thoughts and feelings on my own - but why do it alone when you have Tay and this amazing community she built?!

I built an offer that feels right for me. My mindset shifts have been my biggest accomplishment. Learning to love myself as I am. And to realize that everything I’ve been through has led me here to help others. 

The style of coaching is so different than others I’ve experienced.

Tay and her team keep it real, keep you accountable and it truly shows they care for each and every one of their program members. They go above and beyond to ensure you are successful with how you market your business. On top of that, you get EVERYTHING you need inside their program to help you start your business.

The icing on the cake? The community that you walk into. All the ladies inside the program are genuine and colllaborative. Always cheering you on when you need it most, and also open to sharing their experiences so that we can all learn from one another. 

Best group coaching program out there!!! 

They go above and beyond to ensure you are successful 

ALexandra c

one payment


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lets go

pay in full

6 Payments


WIFE, MAMA OF 2 GIRLS, MULTI BUSINESS OWNER, ICED COFFEE connoisseur, & your bad b*tch mentor

Your no bs - no fluff business coach to help you build a business your way

xx, Tay

I left my 9-5 in 2016 with less than $100 to my name at 7 months pregnant with no clients, degree, or experience, & wrecked credit to leaving an abusive marriage while still barely making enough $$ to survive in 2018, to then having a fully-booked Virtual Assistant/OBM agency & multi 6-figure coaching business by 2021!

I decided to launch my first high ticket group coaching program, and finally make my first $10k month & $30k month followed by my first 6 figures in 6 months

With less than 500 people on my email list, a small Instagram following, without ads, without a team, & without having a full 1:1 roster.

Since then I have taught hundreds of women to do the same. To build a 6 & multi 6 figure coaching business simply. One offer, no ads, no large audience. 

Hey girl hey, it's Tay

In 2020 I decided to step into business coaching & then become Life Coach Certified in 2021 because I want to help women all over the world redesign their life inside & out regardless of your circumstances, no matter where you come from or where you've been you get to create a Breadwinner Energy™ life today!

Breadwinner Energy™ was born in 2021 after 5 long years in the online business space because after 5 years as an online service provider I wanted a life of more, a life I loved, deserved, that brought me more time, more money, true freedom while also making a massive impact on the world.

if you need a coach to hold your hand, give you individual coaching and feedback,  a coach who understands what its like to come from or have absolutely nothing, 
a coach who understands what its like to be a single mom, to have kids at home, or to have an unsupportive partner … 
you've found the right place. 
If you need a coach that actually gives a shit about you & your success
A coach who knows what its like to feel like even though you've been doing this for years you aren't comparable to the million dollar influencer coaches
A coach who knows what its like to be in or with an abusive partner, leave that situation, or need money to get out/never go back… 
A coach who has had wrecked credit, negative dollars in her account, & fearful with money
If you need a coach who won't shame or judge you for the real shit you have going on in your life…
Then you've found the place. 

The Breadwinner Energy™ Company was FOUNDED on these principals & was created for women just like you, because I was her too.
For women who grew up in trauma, abusive households, or with men who held money over their mothers head, where women were told to be seen but not heard, for women who are with men who are controlling and unsupportive, for the single moms who just want a good fucking life for her and her kids…to the women who want al life that is HERS where she has choices and options no matter what freaking color or size you are, you fucking matter.
& this is what my entire business has been built on. For women like you, because YOU deserve a life that is FOR YOU that you love. 
 & when you build a business that gives you the freedom with time and finances it gives you choices and options to leave, to get out, to pay off debt, to be free. 
So if this is you, just know I see you. I get it. & you are so important and deserving of the life you dream of. 
You will go ALL IN ON YOU. You won't give up. You will give it EVERYTHING in your soul to make this happen for you. 

Build your high ticket signature offer in 90 days

I am ready!

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