Breadwinner Energy™ School


Become the IT Brand in just 6 months. 




Create a Business That Supports the Life You Love: Aligned business, aligned life. 

When you learn how to be better at being YOU & breathe energy into your business you can't be compared to ANYONE else & you finally feel fulfilled by having a business that is fully YOU and makes you massive succcess. 

There is nothing worse than having a business that you just kind of like, that feels like constant work, it feels hard, and like you are trying to fit and do the "right thing".  This was me for so long trying to build a business how I was "supposed to" instead of just being better at being ME! When I finally decided to tear down my entire business to pivot and rebrand my website, my offers, pricing, visuals to be what was ME, what I loved, and only do what I loved. To charge higher prices and call in my most perfect dreamy clients. It finally felt easy again, it finally felt fun. 

burn it down & rebrand your out of the box business. 




It's time to PIVOT - you lost your spark & it's time to get it back. It's time to step tf up

believe me, i've been there

You KNOW you are capable of making f you money, but you keep getting back into these cycles of lack or when will it happen for me. 

You do all the things and show up in all the places but nothing seems to be moving, you've had slow growth but you are ready to turn up the DIAL and heat in your business 

You are tired of running a business the way that everyone else is, you are tired of being put in this box and going down the imposter syndrome spirals comparing yourself to everyone else. 

You finally want to be better at being YOU in order to create massive success in your business 


The Breadwinner Energy™ School

let me introduce...

Create a Business That Supports the Life You Love & Deserve. Create a Life Aligned Business + Brand


Coaching Program & Community

Life + Business Alignment: The Pivot

Pivot into your dream business & create a business in full alignment with your dream life from aligned offers, messaging, pricing, and branding. 


inside breadwinner energy school

Reclaim Your Spark and Power

You’ve lost your spark, feeling a bit stuck, lost, & powerless in your own life. Yet, deep down, you know you’re a powerful ass bitch. It’s time to stand TF up and reclaim that power. You know who you are—now it’s time to act like it.


Pivot into Your Dream Business

You’ve got the skills, the experience, and the drive. All you need now is the support to pivot boldly & show up as the powerful woman you are. When you align your energy with your dream business, you unlock the doors to limitless success and the kind of money you've always wanted


be better at being you 

Learn how to use your voice, power, energy, & story to show up AUTHENTIC AF online with an IDGAF attitude to call in f you money easier than ever before. You will have clients DYING TO WORK WITH THE YOU. 


THe program outline


Monthly Coaching Group Calls

2 Calls Per month with group coaching + hot seat coaching 


Slack Channel 

Private slack channel to tap into your community every single day, celebrate wins, & ask questions in the Q form


Monthly Content 

Every few weeks get access to exclusive content & trainings to step into your purose & power


Walking Your Walk 

get access to our quarterly workshop sessions where you can expect to SHIft your business & life 10x


Breadwinner Energy™ Membership

Lifetime access to this course included + access to our BWE membership for 1 year included in enrollment. 


I was business coaching strategy, talking about funnels, & tech and HATEDD every coaching call bc none of it even mattered.. 

I decided I was DONE with sales conversations that felt like I had to convince business owners to even like their business enough to invest in it. I was DONE working all day and never even enjoying my kids or life or freedom. 

& I was DONE keeping a business that no longer brought me the joy, freedom, & fulfillment I started it to have. 

I said I would rather quit because I am no longer willing to work this hard or do what i hate in order to make money 

& I was most Definitely done playing small & trying to fit in 

I was FINALLY making 6 & multi 6 figures as a business coach - my goal BUT I was not only working sooo much and so hard I was also coaching on things that did not light me up AT ALL. It was no longer fun, It was constant conversations about tech & sales pages that just wasn't what actually made a difference in the world... 

I was DONE showing up online like everyone else, and posting based on analytics and algorithims and doing what kept the peace 

I was DONE trying to be liked & make everyone around me safe, comfortable, & happy

I was DONE trying to please every single client in order to keep them happy

I was DONE pretending to be a business owner by tapping away on my computer for HOURS on end 

I was DONE running a business the conventional way.... 

I was DONE undercharging for my offers that are 100x better than most on the market

Build a business that aligns to your dream life.

The day I decided to step into my BWE was the day that my life & business changed forever. 


Don't just take it from me

Jenny Roth

If you are really ready to do the work and build a business that you are excited to work in do not hesitate to join for a second. It has been hands down the best investment I've made for my business and myself :)

Today I have a 6-figure business that allows me to take summers off & be with my daughters.

Tye Whaley

She has a way of making you see things differently, way and giving you exactly what you need, whether it’s a nurturing word or a gentle push.

Joining has been one of the best decisions I’ve made for my business and my life.

Tay forced me to step out of my comfort zone and into my power.

Caitlin Barkdoll

The changes in my mindset are huge! As someone who struggles with mental health - it’s really easy to have negative thoughts that hold me back. Tay taught me to self coach and is also wonderful at coaching me through mind drama! The BEST part is the community, access to the portal to go through things at my own speed, and that I can put stuff in the group when it's on my mind.

The style of coaching is so different than others I’ve experienced.

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6 payments


brand & business make over in less than 6 months

I am ready!

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