The offline goldmine masterclass

for moms that want to grow their coaching business without social media
& in limited time per week.  

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While you are trying to do all the things perfectly, post 27 posts per week, create tons of content, just to be met with crickets

Meanwhile you are getting further away from the freedom & flexibility you started this business to have in the first place. 

You want to finally have a game plan to create a life first approach to business where it actually feels like real balance, & know exactly where & how to show up in your business to make a difference & make more money.

Inside this masterclass I am not only breaking down exactly what you need to know to build a life aligned business but also the offer & non social strategies to achieve it. 

which is exactly why as a mom of 2 kids at home, i built my business to generate hundreds of leads every single month without social media or ads. 

but lets be honest social media is draining, & most of the time doesn't even seem to be "working"

the truth is you have limited time each week between kids, breakfast, school, soccer, & you need to maximize every single minute you get to move the needle in your business. 

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Don't just take it from me

a life first approach

The first step that people ALWAYS miss when building their business is creating a life first approach, knowing your exact lifestyle, personality, season of life, life & business goals, income & schedule goals before ever deciding offers, pricing, & the strategies you use so you don't end up like me working 40-60 hour weeks as a single mom then needing to burn down your business due to burnout. 


here are the 3 things to master

life aligned offers

Deciding what type of life aligned offers you should choose for your business model based on your life first plan. Inside this masterclass we not only give you an excercise to get clear on your life aligned goals but then types of offers to match that to not only fit your "working hours" but also meet your income goals. 


non social growth strategies

+ learn my exact non social strategies that bring me 100+ leads every single month without social media or ads. I go through exactly what to do every single week in your business if you only have 2 hours to spare each day to move the needle to not only get new leads but then what to do with your leads!


I am in!

I am in!

WIFE, MAMA OF 2 GIRLS, MULTI BUSINESS OWNER, ICED COFFEE connoisseur, & your bad b*tch mentor

Your no bs - no fluff business coach to help you build a business your way

xx, Tay

I left my 9-5 in 2016 with less than $100 to my name at 7 months pregnant with no clients, degree, or experience, & wrecked credit to leaving an abusive marriage while still barely making enough $$ to survive in 2018, to then having a fully-booked Virtual Assistant/OBM agency & multi 6-figure coaching business by 2021!

I decided to launch my first high ticket group coaching program, and finally make my first $10k month & $30k month followed by my first 6 figures in 6 months

With less than 500 people on my email list, a small Instagram following, without ads, without a team, & without having a full 1:1 roster.

Since then I have taught hundreds of women to do the same. To build a 6 & multi 6 figure coaching business simply. One offer, no ads, no large audience. 

Hey girl hey, it's Tay

In 2020 I decided to step into business coaching & then become Life Coach Certified in 2021 because I want to help women all over the world redesign their life inside & out regardless of your circumstances, no matter where you come from or where you've been you get to create a Breadwinner Energy™ life today!

Breadwinner Energy™ was born in 2021 after 5 long years in the online business space because after 5 years as an online service provider I wanted a life of more, a life I loved, deserved, that brought me more time, more money, true freedom while also making a massive impact on the world.

if you need a coach to hold your hand, give you individual coaching and feedback,  a coach who understands what its like to come from or have absolutely nothing, 
a coach who understands what its like to be a single mom, to have kids at home, or to have an unsupportive partner … 
you've found the right place. 
If you need a coach that actually gives a shit about you & your success
A coach who knows what its like to feel like even though you've been doing this for years you aren't comparable to the million dollar influencer coaches
A coach who knows what its like to be in or with an abusive partner, leave that situation, or need money to get out/never go back… 
A coach who has had wrecked credit, negative dollars in her account, & fearful with money
If you need a coach who won't shame or judge you for the real shit you have going on in your life…
Then you've found the place. 

The Breadwinner Energy™ Company was FOUNDED on these principals & was created for women just like you, because I was her too.
For women who grew up in trauma, abusive households, or with men who held money over their mothers head, where women were told to be seen but not heard, for women who are with men who are controlling and unsupportive, for the single moms who just want a good fucking life for her and her kids…to the women who want al life that is HERS where she has choices and options no matter what freaking color or size you are, you fucking matter.
& this is what my entire business has been built on. For women like you, because YOU deserve a life that is FOR YOU that you love. 
 & when you build a business that gives you the freedom with time and finances it gives you choices and options to leave, to get out, to pay off debt, to be free. 
So if this is you, just know I see you. I get it. & you are so important and deserving of the life you dream of. 
You will go ALL IN ON YOU. You won't give up. You will give it EVERYTHING in your soul to make this happen for you.